Educational Workshops & Public Outreach
The Mississippi Forestry Commission offers educational workshops and public outreach programs that help educate Mississippians of all ages on best management practices, fire prevention, and forest stewardship.
Educational Workshops
The Mississippi Forestry Commission offers educational workshops for individuals, students, communities, and community groups.
These workshops are designed to educate the public on topics such as the importance of Mississippi’s forest resources, MFC information, and wildfire prevention.
The Firewise program equips homeowners and community leaders with the information they need to help design, construct, landscape, and maintain homes or communities to better withstand wildfires. This program is for anyone living in or connected to the Wildland Urban Interface.

Prescribed Burning Short Course
The Prescribed Burning Short Course is open to the public and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi.
Public Outreach

The Mississippi Forestry Commission maintains an active Public Outreach Program designed to heighten the public’s awareness of our mission, services, and the importance of forest resources.
Local outreach activities such as: civic club presentations, forestry field days, and visits to school groups are carried out across the state to reach individuals at the community level.
Public Outreach Officers can provide customized presentations and exhibit displays for schools, community organizations and events based on the following topics:
- Wildfire Prevention/Smokey Bear appearances
- Forest Health
- Forest Stewardship
- General MFC Information
- Underserved Landowner Outreach

Wildfire Prevention & Smokey Bear Appearances
Wildfire prevention education is one of the most requested educational programs for the MFC.
Our Public Outreach Officers use Smokey Bear and his resources, along with local information, to bring the wildfire prevention message to local communities across the state. This program is available for schools, summer library programs, and other community organizations.
Arbor Day
MFC plays an active role in Mississippi’s Arbor Day each February (the second Friday in February) with events from the State Capitol to the classroom. Tree planting ceremonies occur statewide. We are also happy to assist our partners with tree giveaways and sales throughout Mississippi.

Underserved Landowner Outreach
The Underserved Landowner Outreach Program provides outreach support and technical assistance to underserved landowners. It encourages young people to seek careers in forestry. MFC works with Alcorn State University to develop and/or enhance projects of mutual forestry interest.

Water Quality and Forestry Best Management Practices
The Mississippi Forestry Commission works with landowners, forest industry, loggers, and others to help ensure that forestry practices are in compliance with the Water Quality Act and state laws.
MFC Kids Connection
MFC Publications
Other Resources and Guides
Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide