The Mississippi Forestry Commission detects, monitors, and suppresses wildfire activity occurring day or night on Mississippi’s 19.2 million acres of forestland.

Wildfire Control and Prevention in Mississippi
The Mississippi Forestry Commission responded to and suppressed 1,070 wildfires that burned 19,803 acres in FY23.
Wildfire Detection
Wildfire detection is provided by airplane surveillance coupled with wildfire reports from the public (using toll-free numbers provided by the Mississippi Forestry Commission) and dispatch calls from local law enforcement.
MFC Wildland Firefighters
The MFC responded to and suppressed 1,070 wildfires that burned 19,803 acres in FY23. MFC Wildland Firefighters saved 1,541 structures threatened by wildfire activity. Wildfire damaged or destroyed 16 structures. The average wildfire size was 19 acres. The MFC dispatches wildland firefighting personnel and equipment to the location of reported wildfire activity 24/7.
Wildfire Prevention
The Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC) is the only state agency responsible for responding to and suppressing wildfires in Mississippi.
Report a Wildfire
To report a wildfire in Mississippi, call the Mississippi Forestry Commission’s Central Dispatch Number (or dial 911):