Public Lands Programs
The Mississippi Forestry Commission provides management assistance for Mississippi's non-federal public forests.

The Mississippi Forestry Commission provides management assistance to boards, agencies, and other entities having jurisdiction over the non-federal public forestlands in Mississippi, including the management of three state forests (Kurtz, Camden, and Jamie L. Whitten).
MFC provides technical direction on the forest management of School Trust Land under the administration of local school boards. The MFC also renders assistance to the various agencies, boards, departments, and entities having jurisdiction over state and other public lands in Mississippi.
School Trust Lands (16th Section Lands)
The MFC is charged by state law to manage forested Mississippi School Trust Land located in 67 counties throughout the state. In addition to timber production, management considerations also include: wildlife, soil and water quality, aesthetics and other appropriate benefits of forestlands.
The MFC ensures that proper care is taken to manage school trust lands sustainably and that Best Management Practices (BMPs) are utilized during the forest management process. Local school districts are the primary recipients of this timber-generated revenue, which directly benefits students and schools in the area where the revenue is earned.
Mississippi’s 16th Section School Trust Forestland is certified by the American Tree Farm System (ATFS), because of the sustainable management practices performed on these lands. The certification is the result of an innovative pilot project involving a partnership between the MFC and the ATFS. This certification ensures that these lands are being properly and sustainably managed and that Mississippi will remain a strong competitor in the growing global need of certified wood.
More Information
For additional information about the Mississippi Forestry Commission’s management of Mississippi’s public lands, contact