Urban & Community Forestry Grant Program
The Urban & Community Forestry Grant Program was created to aid in the development of long-term, self-sustaining urban and community forestry programs. Funds are available on an 80% Federal/20% non-Federal matching basis through competitive grant proposals.

Goals of the U&CF Program
An important goal of Mississippi’s Urban and Community Forestry Program is to inspire or enhance local or statewide urban and community forestry programs with an emphasis on increasing:
- Local capacity
- Volunteer involvement
- Planning
- Training and continuing education
Funding Priorities
Projects that demonstrate using funding to provide the largest impact will receive priority. Grantees are encouraged to do projects of state-wide significance, such as training, publications, or research that could be used to provide information on a statewide basis. First-time municipal applicants and municipalities seeking Tree City USA status are also given priority for funding. Tree planting and demonstration projects will have the lowest priority for funding.
Who is Eligible for the U&CF Grant?
Funds may be awarded to units of local governments (city, town, county), non-profit organizations, or educational institutions. Other organizations, such as community tree volunteer groups, neighborhood associations, or civic groups that are not 501(c)3 eligible, must apply in partnership with a non-profit organization or with their local government. All grant recipients must be able to receive grant funds via Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs).
Eligible Projects
The U&CF Grant Program is intended to support new initiatives, programs, projects, staff positions, and activities not currently being funded through other sources or to expand existing programs that would not occur without grant funds. It is not intended to substitute for current funding levels.
The Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program is not intended for beautification of tree plantings, and a maximum of 15% of the Federal funds awarded is allowable for plant material and tree planting.
Projects will benefit from clearly stated goals, well-thought-out budgets, and well-planned scheduling that utilizes volunteers, creates local partnerships, promotes the development of local community forestry programs, has a long-term focus and benefits, and/or has an educational or technology transfer component.
The program’s objectives support the following categories:
- Urban and Community Forestry Program Development
- Urban and Community Forestry Program Improvement
- Non-profit Program Development
- Tree Planting Projects
- Information, Education, and Training
- Demonstration and Site-Specific Projects
- Regional and Statewide Special Projects
Ineligible Projects
Ineligible projects include, but are not limited to:
- Trail design, construction or maintenance
- Property acquisition and related costs
- Beautification projects
- Tree removal and maintenance
- Construction projects
- Equipment purchases
- Projects that will take place on private property (land not open to the public)
Application Details
Action required to receive federal grant funding from MFC
Applicants must now obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number to apply for federally funded grants. The federal government uses this number (formerly the DUNS number) to manage entities applying for grants.
To receive your UEI, register at SAM.gov. If you are already registered, your UEI has been assigned. Follow this guide to find your UEI. Additional support can be found here. Obtaining a UEI may take time. Do not wait for the application period to open for the next grant cycle. Get your UEI now, so you are ready to apply!
MFC Grant Opportunities
Trees Mississippi
TREES MS is funded through an Inflation Reduction Act grant awarded by the USDA Forest Service to the Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC) in partnership with the nonprofit Green Infrastructure Center (GIC). MFC and GIC are providing support for disadvantaged communities to map, plan, and plant trees in cities and on tribal lands. Communities should apply to be adopted for 2-3 years and receive mapping of their urban forest canopy and modeling of the environmental benefits trees provide for clean air, shade and stormwater uptake, and community health. GIC and MFC will work directly with communities to determine planting plans and also plant and care for public trees within census tracts labeled disadvantaged on the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST). The program is open to any disadvantaged municipality or tribal government, and the competitive application takes only 20 minutes to complete! To learn more or to meet with our team, see the MS Trees Flyer. Applications are due by April 15, 2024, and may be submitted by clicking here. A webinar was held on March 19th, 2024, to introduce the program and explain the application process. You can view a recording of the webinar here.
Trees Across Mississippi (TAM)
Trees Across Mississippi (TAM) is an Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program administered by the Mississippi Forestry Commission.
Additional Urban & Community Forestry Grants
Additional urban grants for local governments are available through the following entities:
- National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council
- Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
- Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
More Information
For additional information about the Urban & Community Forestry Grant Program or other urban grant opportunities, contact:
Alex Ballard